History tells us that Kupe was a brave, clever explorer that sailed all across the Pacific Ocean and discovered New Zealand. He drowned his cousin to marry his wife, Kura. He sailed in a waka from Hawaiiki to New Zealand and fought a humongous octopus who crashed into the waka.
He was from Hawaiiki and his family included his wife, Hine-Te-Aparangi and his 2 daughters, Matiu and Makaro.
I think he wasn't a great leader because he desired his cousin's wife, Kura and he got jealous so drowned him into the sea and he already had a wife, Hine-Te-Aparangi. I think that he would always put himself first and not other people. A good leader needs to look after everyone first and you need to be able to trust them with your life.
So interesting lila I like it.